Monday 30 May 2011

Bye Bye Beijing.

Welcome to Claire vs. China, a shiny new blog that will keep all you nosey parkers back home up to date on my travels and my life in China. In theory this should stop the need for forceful updates and the subsequent flooding of my email inbox, thank you Becky.

I aim to update this as often as I can but as I have no idea how often I will be able to I am not make any promises.

So, after a hugely enjoyable four month stay in Beijing, ignoring of course the two failed employment ventures and the several brushes with the “Chinese way of doing things”, I have decided to pack my bag and leave. Do not fear we part on good terms but this particular relationship has run its course, for now. Next week after no doubt having to wrestle with my bag, I will be setting off for the ‘Spring-city’ Kumming (Very south city near to the border of Thailand) for phase two of my adventure.

It was after a phone call from two lost Canadians that I realised I know this city too well. I was able to guess where they were from their very vague and sketchy description and; get there to find them all without the aid of a map or a safety net. Realisation dawned and a new plan of action was immediately hatched, although it took a four page pro-con list to set this plan in stone. Of course the argument with my former-boss helped too! Regardless a decision and a plan were made that day.

I do not regret my time living in Sanlitun Youth Hostel at all, I have met some amazing people here including; a whole bunch of missionaries, a woman who is trained in Kung Fu and specialises in The Mace, set designers for various Middle Earth and Hobbit films and several very talented acrobats. Where else could you meet all of these different and completely extraordinary people and not have to leave the comfort of your front room/the bar? The list of classic hostel moments too has made up completely for the 5 roommates problem and no privacy thing.

 My favourites include such classic quotes as:

Random American on Stairs: “Christ when Brits drink heavy they drink to die, when we [Americans] drink heavy, we drink Bud Light”


Indignant Girl: “I don’t just jump into bed with anybody you know, what do you think I am some kind of whore?”
Completely Sincere Boy: “Well it only took one Vodka, and you’re not a very good whore at that!” (Conversation held at 1am outside my bedroom door)


Slightly Older (50+) Woman A: “so do you think you’re going to ‘get lucky’ tonight?”
Slightly Older (50+) Woman B: “Oh I don’t know, I think I’m a bit old to still be ‘getting lucky’”
Slightly Older (50+) Woman A: “Nonsense, you still have a vagina don’t you!”
(Overheard whilst showering)

and finally…….

Missionary in Bathroom: “Wow I need to hurry up and get married, I need to get laid!” (Courtesy of eavesdropping Canadian Emily)

So like I was saying before I got distracted merrily skipping down amnesia lane, it has been an amazing experience living here and I would be completely happy returning here in a matter of weeks for a weekend and doing it all again. Well maybe not a matter of weeks, months defiantly though.

Anyway, I feel I have rambled on long enough for one sitting. Claire vs. China will continue when I have something important (or not) to say. Failing that I will be picking up classic hostel moments again, there are so many.

Thanks for listening.
Claire xx