Thursday 25 August 2011

"Square one, we meet again!"

Hong Kong: half way between China and home.

 I spent three days there and saw very little of it, this is because of the VISA office and its ‘once in you’ll never leave’ horror film style of dealing with people after working Visa’s. Sadly I was held captive for a grand total of two of my days out of Kunming and on the third I had to return to pick up my shiny new tourist Visa.

The nut shell version is; I didn’t have all the right documents and the school weren’t able to Fax them so, I had to get some kind of Visa or I would get stuck in Hong Kong with no-where to go. I was very lucky, I had been hounding all of the miserable gits in the office for two days about getting a working Visa and then had to turn around and get a tourist one. I was insanely lucky and the shifts changed literally a couple of numbers before mine was called. Not sure what I would have done if they hadn’t got a tourist one. Panic and drink I suppose.

So I have to go back on the 4th of September, at least this time though I shall be going with someone else and not on my own. Hong Kong is the sort of place I think I would have enjoyed a little more with a little more company, so anyway. Take 2 is imminent!

Despite the Visa issue it was just a fated journey, my plane was delayed leaving Kunming so I spent hours in the airport where there is very little to do, and so by the time I arrived at the hostel (if it can be called so) they had given away my room. It’s about 3 am at this point and I was pointed at a chair and told to sit for 30 minutes until someone was checking out and so I fell asleep in the chair. When I was finally told I had a room, one which they said had just been cleaned, I found I was sharing it…. With the biggest cockroach I have ever seen! This thing was so big it had had to book into a hostel for the night, think Men in Black bug size! Oh and a dead rat in the bathroom. Once these little oversights of the cleaning staff had been addressed I collapsed onto the bed only for my alarm to go off only a few hours later. The Visa office on a Monday and Tuesday is stupidly busy and so I was in there with hundreds of other people. And thus began my troubles.

In other news….

I have now finished Phonics and can go to my regular schedule! I woke up on Thursday in a panic as I thought I had overslept through some o f my lessons until I remembered and rolled over to go back to sleep. Best feeling ever! Although it was very weird not having to start work until 5pm, found myself wondering what to do with my time and how Tom could say he is so busy?
Its also 4 weeks until mum and dad are over here so I have been booking hostels and trying to decide on things to do with them, thinking park in a bar will do.

Right I have to go and plan some lessons now, stand by for more from the fated world of Claire’s Travels in China.


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