Monday 25 January 2016

Hong Kong and a new VISA

Less than a week after getting back from YaDing, I jumped on a plane back to Hong Kong to get a new VISA before starting my new job.

Hong Kong was HOT! After the freezing cold of YaDing and the comfort of Kunming, Hong Kong was uncomfortable and humid. My trick was to walk about until I was too hot, find a McDonalds and sit with a drink in the aircon until I had cooled off.

The VISA process was time consuming but easy. The forms themselves took about an hour to fill in and then I had to sit with the attendant for another 40 minutes while she checked the form. She stamped it with the APPROVED stamp and sent me on my way. I could have kissed her!

After the VISA office I went and found a ferry so that I could float about the harbour for a few hours. I miss the sea so my compulsory trip to HK was fantastic! I took the starlight ferry about 4 times then wandered about Kowloon and The Avenue Of Stars. The Avenue is a 500 meter stretch of harbour wall with Stars on the floor and statues to pose with. The Avenue ends near the Science and Technology Museum so I dropped in and discovered that it is free on Wednesdays. I only spent a few hours there as I think every kid in HK was there that day. Fun but Chaos!

The next day I found a bus that was heading in the direction of a beach on the other side of the Island, jumped on it and spent hours on a beach or swimming in the stupidly warm clear water of Deep Water Bay and Repulse Bay. Like I say, I really miss the sea so I was perfectly happy. The rest of my week in HK was spent shopping in the crazy markets, sitting on a beach, reading my book in Victoria Park and watching the Symphony of lights which, according to the Guinness book of records people, is the longest running daily light show in the world.

A nice 5 day trip to the beach over, back to Kunming and back to work!

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